One of the great events in the Year of Faith will be the Day for the Movements with the Holy Father, which will take place in 18 and 19 May 2013 at St Peter’s Square, Rome (Italy).Now, the election of our new Pope Francis will make this appointment more expected and participated. Here's the Programme.


So, in view of this special meeting with the Supreme Pontiff, there is the offer of a special programme ‘Pentecost Tour’ to be held during the whole week of May 2013, for all those who will come to Rome at Pentecost, from all over the world. Please write to receive further details.

Programme of the Pontifical events at St Peter Basilica and Square:


Saturday, MAY 18

Morning  St. Peter’s Basilica

7:00 until 12:00  Pilgrimage to the Tomb of the Apostle Peter 

Afternoon  St. Peter’s Square

4:00 Introduction to the Event 

5:00 Welcome Music and testimonies

6:00 Reflections Testimonies, reflections and prayer in preparation to meet the successor of the Apostle Peter

7:00 Meeting with the Holy Father


Sunday, MAY 19 

St. Peter’s Square

10:00 Holy Mass celebrated by the Holy Father